Installation of stanscofi

The complete list of dependencies for stanscofi can be found at requirements.txt (Pip) or meta.yaml (Conda). This package is compatible with Python 3.8 and 3.9, and should at least run on Linux.

Running the Docker image

You can download the Docker image hosted on DockerHub and start a container on this image:

$ docker push recessproject/stanscofi:<release-version>
$ docker run -it recessproject/stanscofi:<release-version>

To build the image locally and run the notebooks, please use the following commands at the root folder (Credits to Abhishek Tiwari for the Dockerfile, instructions and comments):

$ #Build Docker image
$ docker build -t stanscofi .
$ #Run Docker image built in previous step and drop into SSH
$ docker run -it --expose 3000  -p 3000:3000 stanscofi
$ #Run notebook
$ #The notebook is available at
$ cd docs && jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root --port 3000

Python package managers (Pip or Conda)

It is recommended to use a virtual environment (here, we give an example using Conda):

$ conda create -n stanscofi_env python=3.8.5 -y
$ conda activate stanscofi_env
$ python3 -m pip install stanscofi ## if using pip
$ conda install -c recess stanscofi ## if using conda
$ ## useful if you want to run the Jupyter notebooks in the docs/ folder
$ python3 -m pip install notebook>=6.5.4 markupsafe==2.0.1
$ conda deactivate && conda activate stanscofi_env