Posts by Category


JELI: an interpretable classifier

1 minute read

The second chapter of the RECeSS project aims at providing interpretable classification (into positive and negative associations) of drug-disease pairs. We a...

We released our first paper!

1 minute read

We are glad to announce that our first (tool) paper has been accepted at Journal of Open Source Software !

Release of the stanscofi package

3 minute read

We introduce our Python package stanscofi for the development of collaborative filtering-based drug repurposing algorithms!

New drug repurposing datasets

4 minute read

We are really excited to present the first two drug repurposing datasets for collaborative filtering produced during the RECeSS project!

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flash lecture

Introduction to pathway enrichment (II)

8 minute read

This post is the second part of this one. We will use the same running example on epileptic mice exposed to a CSF1R inhibitor. In the previous post, one appr...

Introduction to pathway enrichment (I)

8 minute read

The second chapter of the RECeSS project aims at providing interpretable classification (into positive and negative associations) of drug-disease pairs. But ...

Introduction to PU learning

6 minute read

Drug repurposing is a paradigm for drug development, where drug discovery focuses on already commercialized molecules. The key idea is that if those molecule...

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